All Saints Episcopal Church in Seattle, WA 98118

Business Contact Details

  • Address

    5150 S Cloverdale Pl
    Seattle, WA 98118

    Phone Number

    (206) 721-0285

More Business Info & Hours

  • Store Hours:

    Store hours may vary due to seasonality.
  • Categories:

    Episcopal Churches, Religious Organizations, Churches & Places of Worship
  • Services/Proucts:

    OUR mission statement is the collect we SAY each sunday. Almighty and ever living GOD. We humbly beseech YOU to nurture and strengthen each of US. And this community. With your word and holy sacraments. SO that through OUR mutual ministry. Worship. Fellowship. And hospitality. We MAY BE faithful instruments of reconciliation. Provide a haven for the hurting. And catalysts for social. Economic. An political justice. To that END. We support a spectrum of individual and congregational outreach. Just AS fundamentally. We TRY to support each member in HIS or HER life in christ — SO that we CAN BE prepared to answer the challenges of ministry that confront US every day. If these values and goals resonate with YOU. We hope YOU'LL come join US for worship. Outreach. And the spread of the gospel of jesus christ.

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